The Music of Marriage

Inspiring spiritual and relational harmony for a lasting marriage! ~ with Bob and Evy

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Bob and Evy's Radio Messages

Every Tuesday at 1:06 CST Live @

Podcasts for each show are listed below.

Understanding and achieving the benefits of God's brand of love as he empowers us to gain spiritual insight with character to grow, adapt, endure, and delight in a lasting marriage!

Each podcast includes a selection of 3 theme-inspired multi-genre music selections.


Marriage As A Conversation

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023

The Music of Marriage radio broadcast by Bob and Evy.TITLE: Marriage as A Conversation—Monologue or DialogueIn this episode we'll discover: I. Is your marriage a monologue or dialogue?
2. How do you break the barriers of communication so that your best memories aren’t
3. Staying Connected in marriage through conversational communication

Thursday Nov 16, 2023

The Music of Marriage radio broadcast by Bob and Evy.TITLE: NOW AND THEN - Pairing as Part of the Plan
In this episode we'll discover: I.  Understanding/acceptance of your need for the other as it was “THEN”
2. Too many of us live in the NOW - we excuse our wrong behavior and ideas
3. How do we connect to the NOW and THEN circle of life that God created
and sustains both NOW and FOREVER?

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023

The Music of Marriage radio broadcast by Bob and Evy.TITLE: Restoration in Marriage - the Divine Difference - A Three-way PropositionIn this episode we'll discover: 
1. Restoring marriage by doing something different (The Divine Difference) than
the world tells us to do - if we learn the most difficult love - love of our enemies - all other relationships get easier
2. Restoring marriage by understanding the Divine Difference
3. The imperative to love is built into the covenant of companionship for marriage

Saturday Nov 04, 2023

In this episode we'll discover: I. Restoring marriage and family by adapting our minds to eternal destiny—generational sin starts with us2. Restoring unity in marriage and family by knowing the power of the 10 Commandments3. Restoring marriage and family by applying the 10 commandments

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023

The Music of Marriage radio broadcast by Bob and Evy.In this episode we'll discover:
1. Restoring marriage by changing your way of thinking
2. Restoring marriage by removing warring desires
3. The truth, not feelings, is the most reliable guide to a unified and deeper love relationship.

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023

The Music of Marriage radio broadcast by Bob and Evy. In this episode we'll discover: 
1. Restoration of marriage begins with awareness of deception
2 Restoration of marriage (and our nation) continues by faithful maintenance of
covenant succession
3. Restoration of marriage completes its mission by triumphing over attacks

Sunday Aug 13, 2023

God's love language is described in 1 Corinthians 13. Boasting & Arrogance is the focus of this episode— #05/03/22 from The Music of Marriage radio broadcast by Bob and Evy.In this episode we'll discover how to: 1. Break down and conquer walls in your relationship by removing BOASTING & ARROGANCE2. Build Up Core Relational Strength with HUMILITY3. Break down the roadblocks to HUMILITY

Sunday Jul 23, 2023

What’s good for the country is good for marriage and the family and vice versa. The same principles apply to freedom because freedom is based on what our Creator intended for our ultimate well-being.  With freedom comes responsibility—like when you give the car keys to your teenager.
We discuss the principles of preserving life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in marriage!

Thursday Mar 16, 2023

What do you do when you offend your spouse continually in the same area? Do you just say you are sorry and you’ll try to do better...or do you accompany those sentiments with a resolution to change in a specific way that shows that you acknowledge the problem and will do more than brush it away with an apology?
This Music of Marriage radio broadcast addresses 3 ways to achieve character and relational change:
1. Acknowledge a specific character flaw that recycles problems in your relationship.
2. The circle of love includes flat tires that need to be fixed - how do we fix the flat
tires in our marriages and relationships?
3. You have to commit to changing in a specific way.

Sunday Mar 12, 2023

This Music of Marriage Radio broadcast details how our beliefs influence our actions. This episode answers these 3 questions:
1. How does what you believe about God spark the motivation for love in marriage?
2. How do we use our faith to empower marriage?
3. How do we use our faith to bear fruit through difficulties in marriage?

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